What are EEAPPS Servers and Who Can Use These Machines?
EEAPPS servers refer to a group of machines that may be used by EE classes.
- If you log in to eeapps.seas.ucla.edu, you will be logged into one of the following servers:
- eeapps01.seas.ucla.edu
- eeapps02.seas.ucla.edu
- eeapps03.seas.ucla.edu
- eeapps04.seas.ucla.edu
- eeapps05.seas.ucla.edu
- eeapps06.seas.ucla.edu
- You may use individual hostnames if you would like, but we recommend using eeapps.seas.ucla.edu for better load balancing and system maintenance.
- Access is granted only to those users who are currently enrolled in EE classes in which the instructor has completed the class activation through MyEngineering.
- You MUST be on the UCLA network to access the EEAPPS servers.
Special Software Available on EEAPPS
How to Access EEAPPS with X Window
- From your own PC or SEASnet Lab PC using Xming and PuTTY
- From another Unix host
- From the SEASnet Remote Desktop Server