What are EEAPPS Servers and Who Can Use These Machines?
EEAPPS servers are a set of machines available for use by students enrolled in specific Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) classes. When you log in to eeapps.seas.ucla.edu
, you will be connected to one of the following servers:
While it is possible to connect directly to an individual server, using eeapps.seas.ucla.edu
is recommended for optimal load balancing and system maintenance.
Access Requirements and Class Activation:
Access to the EEAPPS servers is restricted to students who are currently enrolled in ECE classes where the instructor has completed class activation through MyEngineering. This activation is required for students to gain access. Additionally, users must be connected to the UCLA network to log into these machines.
Special Software Available on EEAPPS
How to Access EEAPPS with X Window
- From your own PC or SEASnet Lab PC using Xming and PuTTY
- From another Unix host
- From the SEASnet Remote Desktop Server