Because SEASnet provides support for staff members and their machines, it is important that we receive prior notification about any machine changes. If a machine is relocated and SEASnet is not informed prior to the move, SEASnet will not be held responsible for any problems caused by the move. Machines taken out of service will be wiped clean of all data and returned to the department for disposal.
SEASnet requires a SEASnet Service Request for any work that requires us to physically go to the machine, whether or not the machine is supported.
You will be notified prior to the start of the job if SEASnet determines that a charge will be associated with your request. SEASnet will not begin work on a supported machine without departmental approval of any charges.
Student worker machines must be approved on a case-by-case basis and will be configured for student workers to have limited access. Student worker machines will not be backed up unless special arrangements have been made by the department. In addition, SEASnet must have a staff contact associated with student worker machines. Unless otherwise notified, that contact will be the department MSO.