Network Access Policies
Policies regarding network access provided by SEASnet:
- You may not connect to the SEASnet network without requesting an IP address.
- Your IP address should be considered the same as a postal mailing address. You may NOT change your IP address nor switch your IP address with anyone. All changes must be done through SEASnet.
- You must understand how your equipment will operate on the network prior to connection. Your department will be billed for any SEASnet labor to track down equipment that causes a problem.
- All projects known to be “network intensive” must be discussed with SEASnet prior to requesting access. If your needs can be accommodated within SEASnet’s infrastructure, you will be logged as a legitimate “network intensive” user. Otherwise, you’re likely to be blocked from the network if heavy traffic originates from your address. Do not combine other critical services, software, etc. on your network intensive computer. Should it ever need to be blocked, you will lose all services it performs until you can remedy the problem and coordinate with SEASnet staff.
- Routers and Wireless Access Points (WAP) will need to be registered with SEASnet.
- IP request Form for a router. SEASnet will disable the router IP address if the router is running NAT and any machine connected to the router causes a problem on the network.
- Port activation Form.
- All users must read and understand their responsibility regarding University of California’s Minimum Security Standard and UCLA’s Minimum Security Standard (Policy 401). See Policy 401, Attachment A in particular.
- Users need to understand the personal risks involved with illegal file-sharing. UC policy on this issue is available here: Universitywide Copyright Policies and Guidance..
- SEASnet will reclaim IP addresses that have not been active on the network for 6 months or more without any further written or verbal notification.
- Network policies may be modified at any time to meet security and infrastructure needs.
- SEASnet reserves the right at all times to block any and all IP addresses, network devices, switches, etc. without notice, when deemed necessary during critical network problems. Notice will be given whenever possible.