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SEASnet Lab Policies

General Guidelines

Failure to comply with SEASnet Lab Policies may result in the temporary suspension of your SEASnet account and/or further disciplinary action by the Engineering Dean of Students.

These policies are in addition to the SEASnet User Agreement you accepted when creating your account, as well as the campus policies outlined at UCLA IT Policies.

SEASnet strongly encourages all users to educate themselves on the personal risks of illegal file-sharing and copyright infringement by reviewing the information provided by the University of California’s Office of the President: Policies and Guidance.


Facility Use Policy

SEASnet 4404BH Lab

  • Users must follow all instructions given by SEASnet staff.
  • Food and drinks, in any type of container, may only be stored in the designated cubbies.
  • If labs are full, students completing coursework have priority over those browsing the internet, reading emails, or engaging in other non-academic activities.
  • Access to restricted software provided for specific courses may only be used for assignments related to that course.
  • Lab space is reserved for students needing to use the computers. Please refrain from using the lab for naps or non-computer study activities.
  • Machines may not be locked or left unattended for more than 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, SEASnet staff may reboot the machine to make it available for another user.
  • SEASnet is not responsible for any issues with a user’s account if they fail to log out before leaving the lab.
  • One station in room 4404 Boelter Hall is reserved for students with disabilities. This station may only be used by non-disabled students if no students with disabilities are waiting and all other stations are occupied.
  • Noise should be kept to a minimum. Please set electronic devices to vibrate. If you need to make a phone call, kindly step outside.
  • Items left in the lab will be taken to HSSEAS Lost & Found in room 6426 Boelter Hall.
  • Chairs are for lab use only and must not be removed from the room.
  • The phone is for emergency use or to contact the SEASnet help desk at x75154.
  • Bicycles are not allowed in the labs.
  • All SEASnet labs are under electronic surveillance.

Information Distribution in SEASnet Labs

SEASnet allows the posting of information in the labs under an open policy, meaning you may post content relevant to engineering students without prior permission. However, we expect all users to act responsibly and adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Postings must be directly related to topics of interest to engineering students.
  • Distributing individual fliers to each station in the labs is not permitted.
  • You may leave fliers at the SEASnet help desk for students to pick up.
  • Announcements can be posted in the labs, but you must use “posting-friendly” tape that won’t damage paint or varnish on walls and doors. Additionally, please remove announcements once they are no longer relevant.
  • Official engineering organizations may request that announcements be included in SEASnet’s Message of the Day (MOTD). Requests for MOTD postings should be sent to for review. Announcements must be brief and pertain to official university business.

Server Use Policy

Server Policies

  • Priority is given to students completing coursework. Research-related computing support is provided by individual academic units. If a lack of computing resources prevents students from completing coursework, SEASnet may restrict access to machines, limiting them to students enrolled in engineering courses.
  • Users are prohibited from running commands that require escalated privileges unless explicitly instructed by their instructor.
  • Multiple consecutive unsuccessful login attempts to SEASnet servers are treated as brute-force attacks. As a result, the originating machine may be blocked from accessing the HSSEAS network.

Process Definitions

Resource Intensive Processes Programs or sets of programs that are expected to run for extended periods (more than a few hours) and consume significant system resources, such as CPU cycles, memory, or process slots.
Attended Processes Processes that are attached to a terminal session with an interactive shell belonging to the same user, or processes running as a netshell client.
Unattended Processes Processes running without being attached to any interactive session. This category includes abandoned or lost X sessions and X-based processes that are consuming CPU cycles.


Process Policies

  • Resource-intensive processes should not be run during peak hours, defined as 10:00 AM to 08:00 PM on weekdays, excluding University Holidays. While we understand that running during peak hours may sometimes be necessary, the following rules have been established to ensure fair sharing of available resources:
    • During peak hours, each user is allowed to run one attended resource-intensive job.
    • Outside of peak hours, users may run one attended resource-intensive job per computer to which they have access.
    • Users running multiple attended resource-intensive processes on a single computer will have all processes terminated on that machine without prior warning.
    • Users with multiple attended resource-intensive processes distributed across several computers during peak hours will receive a warning. If the issue is not resolved within two hours, all of the user’s processes on any SEASnet-managed computer will be terminated. We are not responsible for lost work or progress.
    • Unattended resource-intensive processes will be terminated upon discovery.

    Explicitly prohibited processes include, but are not limited to, IRC bots, file servers, computer cycle servers, and coin mining.

    Classes requiring intensive processing should contact for assistance.