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Current Lab Postings

Welcome to the SEASnet Labs!

Let us know if there is anything we can help you with.

Contact Us



MON      9AM – 5PM
TUE       9AM – 5PM
WED       9AM – 5PM
THU        9AM – 5PM
FRI        9AM – 5PM
SAT         Closed
SUN        Closed

REMOTE resources are available HERE

Posting Date: July 10, 2024

Solidworks File Saving

Please click HERE for information regarding how to save / open Solidworks Files


Disk Quota Issues

Please click HERE for information regarding your Disk Quota



SEASnet Lab Policies

We ask for your assistance in assuring that the SEASnet labs remain usable for all engineering students.

Lost and Found: Items recovered in the SEASnet Labs are turned in to the HSSEAS Lost and Found located in 2684 BH.